How to Effectively Manage Crowds with Crowd Control Barriers

A crowd can be dangerous in the right circumstances, causing stampedes and trampling that can injure or even kill innocent bystanders in large crowds. To ensure crowd safety at events such as concerts, sporting events, and protests, it’s often best to use crowd control fencing in conjunction with security guards to keep individuals within the fenced area safe while keeping them contained and separate from other groups of people in the surrounding area. Here’s how to effectively manage crowds using crowd control fencing to create a safe environment at your next event.

Why do you Need a Crowd Control Fence?

Crowd control fences are typically used for major events that draw large numbers of people. These types of events often have safety and security concerns. So the fences provide a physical barrier between the crowd and the event area. By limiting access to certain areas, the fence helps maintain order in an otherwise chaotic environment. In addition, they can be used as a barricade against other dangers such as fire or hazardous material spills. The size and length of a fence depend on the location, but they usually range from 5-6 feet high.

For some applications, it may make sense to add gates at intervals along the fence line in order to allow controlled passage through it. Gates should only be open when necessary; otherwise, they'll become bottlenecks where congestion can easily occur.

What Determines the Height of a Crowd Control Fence?

The height of a crowd control barriers is determined by the number of people you want it to contain, as well as the space that needs to be secured. Crowds are typically taller than they are wide and can require a higher fence than you might think. A good rule of thumb is that if there are five or more people within arm's reach, you will need a six-foot fence. If there are 25 or more people in the same area, you'll need an eight-foot fence.

What does it take to install a Crowd Control Fence?

The first step is choosing the type of fence that will work best for your needs. You can choose from a variety of materials, such as lightweight vinyl, aluminum, or chain link. 

  • The next step is figuring out the size of your event and estimating how many people you need to accommodate. You'll want enough space between posts (about 4' apart) and a post every 20' or so. A typical fence can accommodate up to 1,000 people per lineal foot, so use this calculation when determining how much fence you need. 
  • The last step is installing the posts in the ground. If you're using concrete posts, dig holes about 3 feet deep and fill them with cement before installing them in the ground.

When do you have Fences installed Around your Event?

Installing temporary fences around your event is a great way to provide safety, security, and boundaries for guests. The most common time for installing fences is when people are walking into the event or when they are entering an outdoor venue that doesn't have walls around it. It's also wise to install temporary fencing if you're expecting a large number of guests at an event that will be in a confined space for long periods of time, like a performance hall. Fences can be used in any situation where the flow of traffic needs to be controlled but it's not always easy. 

Tips to use them Best:

Here are some tips on how best to use them: 

  • When you install fences around your event, make sure you don't block anything from views like entrances or exits. You'll want to keep these areas free and clear so that you never impede the flow of guests. 
  • If you plan on having volunteers stationed at gates and doors, inform them about where the gates are located so they can direct people accordingly. 
  • You should also post signs near all points of entry telling guests which entrance to enter through. 

Are there any challenges in keeping an audience contained?

Crowds can be a good thing, but they can also be a problem. There are some challenges in keeping an audience contained. For example, if you are hosting an event outside, there is no barrier between the audience and the event. People may come in and out of your event without being noticed, which could lead to safety issues. The best way to keep people contained is by utilizing crowd control barriers los angeles. It will create a boundary around your event that keeps people from crossing it.

Real-life experience in crowd management

Crowd management is a serious issue for event organizers, sometimes warranting the need for police or other security involvement. Crowds are often unpredictable and can become hostile or violent quickly. So it is important that you have a plan in place to handle any situation. If a large number of people are expected at your event, it is important to be proactive and work closely with your city's authorities and other professionals on-site early on in the planning process. There are many strategies for managing crowds, but one of the most effective ways to keep everyone safe is by installing crowd control Barriers near entrances or exits. Fencing allows you to establish boundaries for entering or exiting an event while still allowing people access.


Crowd control fences are a great way to manage the flow of visitors. They help protect your goods and keep people off the ground while still being easily accessible. In addition, they can be used as a directional tool: you can use them in front of certain parts of your store or product displays so that customers are funneled towards what you want them to see. Crowd control fences also help when there is limited space for foot traffic and allow you to section off an area for safety concerns, such as at construction sites or areas where animals are present.


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